
  • Retail Tycoon

    Retail Tycoon 2 is out! https://www.roblox.com/games/5865858426/Retail-Tycoon-2 In Retail Tycoon, you start a small business and set out to create a massive retail store. Attract customers with pretty signs, and separate them from their money with your fantastic store layout! Inspired by Your Store Tycoon by Dued1

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  • Vinesweeper

    It's like minesweeper but it's on a farm so that lets me steal the minigame name from runescape

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  • Auto Tetris

    What's more fun than playing tetris? Watching a computer play it for you!

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  • Solar Scuffle 1.0.7

    iOS and Android compatible. Solar Scuffle is a strategic space-themed war game. Your main goal is to destroy your opponents. And don't worry if you don't have any friends, the games AI will be happy to play with you if nobody else will! Features 7 maps, more to come maybe. See the in-game help section for controls and more info. 1.0.7 (9/26/16): - Removed Roblox movement controls on mobile 1.0.6 (2/19/16): - Added 30s forcefield for starter planets to get the game going 1.0.5 (Awhile ago): -Fixed camera issues -Fixed planet selection issues 1.0.4: -Added keybinding 1.0.3: -Fixed some exploitable bugs 1.0.2: -Made AI less aggressive 1.0.1: -Fixed some guest-related bugs -More help tips

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  • Morbus 1.2.4 [Old]

    Working sequel (Incursion) is now open: https://www.roblox.com/games/886623285/Incursion Morbus is based off the Garrys Mod game, since roblox seems to like those. In Morbus, you are one of several humans in a starship/facility that has been infiltrated by aliens. Brood Aliens can disguise themselves to blend in as human, so be careful who you trust. Humans killed by aliens become Brood Aliens. Killed Brood Aliens become Swarm Aliens, and can respawn a limited amount of times to assist the Brood Aliens. It is recommended that you get some solid evidence before you start spraying bullets, as damage to teammates will net you negative points. 1.2.4 (7/13/17): - Made the game not broken

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  • Wave Physics Kinda

    Neat thing where you control a little boat that follows the height of the waves. WASD to control. Thanks to blobbyblob for some of the wave-related scripts. (Give it a few seconds to start)

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  • Medievalville 0.6.1 [Open]

    Features a randomly generated open world with trees and water and all that good stuff. This game is inspired a lot by the online game Wurm Online. Disclaimer: This game was my first big Lua project, and on the inside has no organization whatsoever. I've stopped updating it because it's gotten hard to add anything new without breaking 10 other things... I would like to make a sequel eventually, though. I'm open to suggestions for early access buyer perks. Updates (9/6/2015): -Added 8 new music tracks -Paid access buyers get a shiny gold playername in chat Updates (8/18/2014): -Added craftable tools of various metals -Tools made of steel and silver are quicker/better than tools made of stone or gold -Added sword

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  • Playing with Gravity

    Thing I made awhile ago

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  • Airship Thingy

    Part of a game SHS might make someday Don't call it a blimp Controls: W/S A/D R/F X

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  • Strategy Game

    Some kind of game I might make eventually

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  • Cruisade (WIP)

    Roblox rendition of "The Ship: Murder Party". Never finished this, but it has a nice map and most stuff still works.

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  • Avalanche

    Modeled after the popular marshmallow themed flash game. Made this in a day for the luls. Update - Added spectating

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  • Airship Battle (Anti-TK Rocket)

    Parts of the airship take damage individually. Shoot the engines, and the ship will slow down and be sluggish. Shoot the balloon, and the ship will climb slower, tilt sideways, or descend uncontrollably. Shoot the fuel tank, and watch the fireworks. The entire ship is destroyable (small parts). Update - Rocket is now also Tk-resistant. The projectile will not explode if it hits a teammate or your teams ship. Also hopefully fixed some cases of airships not respawning. If a ship strays too far from the battle area, that team will lose by default. Also, sorry about the dying every round, but teleporting people tended to break everything, so yknow...

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  • Ice Hockey (Referee Whistle)

    Not updating this much anymore

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  • FIRST Robotics 2014 - Aerial Assist (Incomplete)

    Not done yet

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  • FIRST Robotics 2013 - Ultimate Ascent (Playable)

    For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology. To refill your robot with frisbees, touch the frisbee feeder with the tip of the robots arm (4 frisbee max). You can only refill at your own teams end of the field (Near your drivers). More robots coming soon. Also, added floor feeders on the robots to pick up frisbees on the field. FRC Website - http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc Also be sure to check out the 2014 game

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Haggie125 has no creations.