
  • ☣️ Re:Infected [Public Test]

    STATS HERE WILL NOT CARRY OVER TO THE ALPHA RELEASE Also, badges are unavailable currently. This game is meant to have a harsh difficulty and it usually takes time to get used to. Title Meaning: Reincarnation of the Infected Previously known as Zombie Forces Legacy Survive against powerful zombies in various locations and gamemodes. Stay away and defend against them using a Loadout of your own. Either that or you join them and spread the plague like wildfire. This is the test build of version 10 Pre-Alpha. Beware of many bugs. This is inspired by Zombie Forces that was made by LeZacky and various other games such as Counter Strike: Online in its zombies mode.

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  • Holdout Defence [PRE-ALPHA]

    this is just a pre-alpha version bugs are bound to happen beware more will be added soon i also have another game in progress which is here: https://www.roblox.com/games/3595026147/Zombie-Forces-Legacy-PRE-PRE-ALPHA

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  • Zombie Forces Legacy (Temp Open) [PRE-PRE-ALPHA]

    ! IMPORTANT ! This game is temporarily open and will close soon to implement some reworks. PRE-PRE-ALPHA Expect an army of regular bugs and ninja bugs Current version: V:Eight C Thumbnail made by me based off of YouFoundTris' thumbnail for Zombie Forces The role of a survivor is to survive and defend from the zombies The role of a zombie is to infect other survivors Inspired by the following games: (You'll see some of their inspirations in-game in future updates) Dead Ahead Zombie Warfare Counter-Strike Nexon Zombies CS:GO Zombie Mods Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies Series SAS Zombie Assault 4 Phantom Forces Reason 2 Die Awakening Nier Automata Left 4 Dead Series Battlefield 4 Zombie Mod

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  • Third Person Animation Editor

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