
  • BRF I

    Warning: This is at least 6 months old, if not more. Free models, bad building, simple ideas. But it was my first game =) Open for some time, feel free to look around.

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  • Vikatikki's Place Number: 30

    weird tests

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  • Aethalfos: Realm of the Divines


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  • Build, Roleplay, and Fight II

    -- BRF II hasn't been an active project of mine for a long time now. If you would like to play a BRF that is under development, please visit http://www.roblox.com/games/18953144/A I might update BRF II with the newer building systems at some point. -- Do NOT: - Delete, move, or edit (using tools) another player's Buildings in any way or form unless given permission by the player - Build on another player's buildings or area unless given permission by the player - Teamkill - Spam - Exploit - Respect admins - Be stupid - Use unanchored parts and/or hinges for malicious purposes To get tools, ask a player with clearance level 2 for clearance. Remember to respect the Roblox Community Rules and Guidelines.

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Vikatikki has no creations.