
  • friends hangout!!!!

    ffriends only.

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  • The Masquerade

    For those of arts. The official RM masquerade ball. RULES: 1. You must wear proper attire (formal-wear and a mask). 2. No crowding. Always stay seated or make room and space for others (personal space). 3. All RM rules apply here WHEN there is an event going on. 4. When there is no event going on, guests are free to do whatever they want. *Kicks will happen frequently to let in important/special guests. If you are kicked when an event is going on, no hard feelings. Just feel free to rejoin if you didn’t break any of the rules.* Created by the developer team, Cognicide, Anevius, taphies, Gopherberry, Activvity, and HallowsFog

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