
  • Running Maze

    In the maze there was the creeping cold as the sun surrendered the sky until dawn. The walls, too thick to allow an arm through, let alone my body, marched on either side. And to my feet, chilled long before the air or ground became so cold, came a sensation of damp I hadn't noticed in the light. It must have been there for days, for I cannot recall the last drop of rain nor cloud to pass this way. It has been empty skies in every way one can imagine, not a bird to sing nor airplane in the sky. If I am to escape, and that I must, it will come of my own effort! ---------------------------------------- If you like this game that I make. In future, will be more outcoming activities. Get ready to fight with it and encounter with some creature. [Tips]>>>As you walked through every wall, you will noticed that the wall kept rapidly increasing! ---------------------------------------- -(Latest)- -(Soon) =Creature =Treasure =Graves =Level Up =Hp/Hunger

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