
  • Zombie Tower Reborn [BETA]

    Original by @Nooooooo This is a revival of the classic game Zombie tower from 2010. This version is still in development. There are some bugs and stuff missing that will be re-added in the future. Stay tuned for more content!

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  • Armed Assault | Flashpoint Robloxia

    CSAT has started their offensive on a remote island off of the coast of Robloxia, and are planning to annex the island for political control over NATO forces in the area. Inspired by the ArmA series. This is focused on large scale fighting and combat realism. This is still in alpha so expect lots of bugs. Message me for any suggestions!

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  • My House

    Free Modeled on purpose. My character lives in Robloxia, so it's Roblox themed.

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  • Gear Wars *ORIGINAL*

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  • Citizen Soldier: A True Story [SPATIAL VOICE]

    SPATIAL VOICE ADDED This is a memorial to commemorate all of those who have fallen on the line of duty, and their families back home. This isn't a political statement and it isn't just about America. I made this to show respect to those who leave their kids behind to go fight. Thank you for the support. The kid has gone to colors, And we don't know what to say; The kid we have loved and caressed Stepped out for the flag today. We thought him a child, a baby, With never a care at all, but his country called him man size, And the kid has heard the call. Enjoy the story. Thumbnail by Alphacheez7

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Nickvette222 has no creations.