
  • Slayer's Core [ALPHA]

    Slayer's Core is a card deck builder In this game you start out with pretty lame cards ngl, but once you start racking up your money you can buy cards that absolutely destroy your opponents, whether those opponents be AI or your friends that just joined the game. I hope you enjoy! If you want to report a bug or recommend game ideas, our links are in the group! How to play: There are enemies scattered around the map, run into one and you will enter a battle. When in a battle you will receive 5 cards for your starting turn. Some cards require having a target to play them, for those cards you will click them and then click the enemy to effect. For cards that don't require and enemy, just click them and they will play, whenever you are out of energy (The yellow number on the right) Press the "end turn" button to continue the match.

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  • Gadget Guy

    Keybinds: Q = swing towards mouse position E = swing in front of avatar (if there are available buildings to swing on to) C = Ground Pound R = Upper Cut F = Grapple Kick V = Flurry Punch

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  • Nasty Neighborhood 2 [ALPHA]

    A game about surviving disasters and even those around you! Upgrade your house to survive them better and buy crates from the shop to get different rarities of furniture! B) WARNING: This game is in alpha, which means it is immune to all types of constructive criticism and any type of hate so haha (if you do actually find a bug or any problem you are more than welcome to let me know in our group or the links in said group)

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  • Battle In The Sky

    Inspired by the minecraft classic "Sky Wars" (Also not pay to win lol)

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  • Nasty Neighborhood

    A game where you survive disasters and be the last one standing! if you have any ideas for the game, our info is in our group!

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