
  • Boulder dodge!

    Welcome to boulder dodge, all made by me! Thanks to epikrika8332 for the thumbnail! Have fun! UPDATE LOG: 4/25/14 Start of log. Added Admin commands(3) 6/3/2017 This game hasn't been updated in 3 years(Started 4 years ago), it is quite old. I have just really returned to roblox, so if you see this, more than likely I will have a new version out by 2018. Idk who plays this anymore though :P Also, forgive me for those donation signs and other desperate money reminders from my 3 years younger self :P have fun! 6/27/22 Over 5 years later since the last update. Not sure who may look at this, but hey, you found a nugget of someone's past. I never did get to making that update did I? No, no I didn't. This was one of the first "major" projects I would have done. I miss this game though its in my far past now. Eight years since I've moved on from Roblox, it was nice to have this game to start my dev journey. These days I go by Crazyboxhead on Steam. Take care!

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  • Don't hate on newbs

    Or you will just be beggin' for a bullet.

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