
  • Pirate Battles Testing Grounds

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  • Application Area

    A little place I made to show some of my decent creations.

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  • Dodge the Meteors! [Pre-Alpha]

    Meteors are falling from the sky! You must avoid being hit! Soon I plan on adding a shop, wins, random maps, and much more.

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  • Cartoon Land!

    Changelog: 5/13/2018: The small house is now buyable, going to do that with the rest of the houses when they are complete. Also adding some finishing touches to the small house, so there will be multiple small houses soon. Note: This is an old project. It is no longer up to date. Development has been paused until further notice.

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  • [BETTER SHIPS II] Pirate Battles! [BETA]

    Prepare for an amazing battle in Pirate-themed ships equipped with cannons and catapults! Good luck and have fun! Since the game is in beta, expect bugs and glitches. Consult the Help Pirate before asking me questions. Join The Miner Club!: https://www.roblox.com/groups/group.aspx?gid=3571270 Changelog: [UPDATE 10/31/2018]: -Greatly improved the ships! -[MEGA FIX] Fixed a huge bug, ships are not spawnable while another ship is blocking it! -Fixed a bug with the Giant Ship not moving. -Added a catapult to the Big Ship, please let me know if there are any bugs! [UPDATE 10/7/2018]: -Added a new gamepass! -Made the Giant and Big ships more realistic! -Sale ended on the Gravity Gun gamepass, its back to the normal price. -🐛Fixed some bugs! -Added a statue to honor our first gamepass customer!

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Ultimate_Miner64 has no creations.