
  • Particle BETA V1.0

    Particle is a third person sci-fi space shooter game which includes strategy and teamwork-based elements alike. Game mechanics include flying, dogfights, mining, upgrading, designing weapons, creating ships, and capturing planets. Please do not dislike the game because you do not know how to play. There is an in-game tutorial before you start playing. Please don't skip it! I will never ask you to pay a fee to play this game. It's free-to-play forever. Tags: Space, shooter, team, sci-fi, strategy

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  • Darkness Falls BETA

    Darkness Falls is an infected survival. Survive infinite waves of the hyper-infected, each one more difficult than the last, but there is a catch: no guns! You are equipped with an EED (Energy Enrichment Device) to gather nearby potential energy to use at any given moment. It's a much more suitable weapon to fight an undead horde! Beware of the random black fog and the darkness of the night, and never forget the #1 rule: ALWAYS watch your back! There is an in-game tutorial. Just hover your mouse over the Object/Controls tab to the right of the screen to quickly learn how to play. More about this game: Darkness Falls was meant to be a player VS player arena game. I began the project a month after I began Particle, thinking it would be funny if players could fight each other with the EED device. It was never finished, and I never did anything with it until now. Tags: Infected, survival, powers, night, dark

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  • Remodeling

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