
  • slice stuff

    just a silly little thing i made by following a tutorial by <sup hi ka ner>(written like this _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) to try to get beter at coding :)

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  • dave's new camera

    play around with a camera :)

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  • plank building system

    added: fixed the beams (kinda :/) made the map bigger added position saving for the player some things are broken as hell, but atleast they're server sided :3 use beams and planks to build stuff, i guess. explore the landscape and build stuff. CONTROLS use the rtfg keys to resize the planks and the u,j keys to resize the beams, use "e" key to change the wood type. have fun! plans: store data so that your builds stay there forever (MAYBE, JUST MAYBE) add a wiring and electricity system. dear players, i've given up on this one too.

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pakancina has no creations.