
  • NO_DATA's Place

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  • Kirby Right Back At Ya!

    This is the meeting/training place for my Kirby Right Back At Ya fan group! Join today! http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=497536

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  • A stick in the mud

    Our Hideout.

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  • Hangout

    Redesigned, reactivated, rebuilt. Hate Chdba was a group place for our members to have meetings and hangout. After long months of building, the game received an unfixable bug where nobody could enter. This place was eventually rebuilt, bigger and better. It was named Hate Chdba 2.0. Unfortunately, that game received the same bug as well. The group continued in other places for a while, but eventually we decided to shut hate Chdba down. However, I've decided to rebuild Hate Chdba 2.0 one last time after the group's downfall. Why? I don't know, I just really liked the place. It was a nice place for me and my friends to hang out. We worked really hard on building it. This is mainly a standalone project. However, once I buy BC again, this place will become a personal server. Some friends of mine may have building tools. Feel free to help me if you can enter.

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  • Don't Forget.

    This is a place for MemrNmarioluigi and me for our group! If you're interested in joining, you can check out the group right here! UPDATE 2015: The group is closed indefinitely.

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NO_DATA has no creations.