
  • Deserta [85%]

    Not done. Seeing as I've lost the inspiration to continue to update this place, I will see to it as 85%, when in reality it is actually unknown. I do not know when I may update this. that ugly tree is just no k cutting down to plant a new one No free models. (Comments are disabled because of other people getting involved in flame wars) Recent Updates: House ruins and music Planned Updates: Towns, Interacting with NPCs, More Land, and possibly islands. and remaking dat ugly tree Version: 0.1.1

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  • test stuff

    test stuff

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  • Greenscreen [buy this tmt]

    omg im now professional rblo x dev i have greenscreeen!!11!1!!one!!one!!!11!111

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  • Great Mosque of Córdoba, Spain

    Progress [0%] Note: The game will remain on paid access until I reach a point at which I am comfortable with the outcome of the build, I recommend you do not buy it. The Mosque of Córdoba is an example of Moorish architecture that was built to rival the magnificence of cities such as Damascus, Jerusalem, Baghdad and even Mecca. It was completed in 987 CE by the exiled Umayyad prince Abd al-Rahman I who formed the Caliphate of Córdoba.

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