
  • The House Place (Updates!)

    This game is just a game I'm making with the 2010-2011 default Home of Robloxia. I'm making this game as fun as possible. This game is my most successful, second being a free model Mario Kart game I made on my older account (BEFORE ZekromXX), which had over 300 visits overnight. New updates are new admins, and some hats you can put on. If you're having problems, tell any of the following admins: ZoararkXX, SnakeXX, ReshiramXX, or me, DownloadEX. Tell the name of the offender, and provide some kind of proof as well. Thanks. AdminList: Madeline2560, IFHT, Seergaze, DownloadEX, ReshiramXX, ZoararkXX, SnakeXX. BannedList: Sorry, but this is classified.

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