
  • My Haunted Mansion

    BOO! I'm sorry! That was inconsiderate of me! But it did get your attention right? While I've got you, how about taking a look at some of the new updates? New easter eggs have been added along with some secrets and hidden rooms and areas. VIP room models have been fixed so all of the ones that didn't do anything are fixed. Thanks for visiting, and with that, see ya! (Loads of thanks goes to my dear friends USArockssoccer15 for his/her VIP room models and to cheesies321 for his/her VIP room door. They were an amazing help and the game wouldn't be complete without them.

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  • Obby of Awesomeness

    Are you awesome? LET'S FIND OUT!! Sorry if you wanted to play the unfinished version a glitch has made it so that it takes you to one of my other games.

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