
  • Prop Hunt MAYHEM [ALPHA]

    🚧The game may not function properly some times or they may appear some unintended bugs. That is why the game is in ALPHA stage. We expect and hope you report us those bugs so we right on get to fix them! 🚧 A classic comedy game brought to Roblox by IMAGINZE Choose whether you become a PROP or HUNTER and enjoy running, shooting, capturing and trolling around on some quite variety of maps that are waiting you to be explored and destroyed! 💥 Prepare yourselves for some immense amount of fun and laughter with your fellow friends and family 👪 COMING SOON: Shop Grenade Launcher for Hunters

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  • Monstram


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  • Gods and Disasters☄️ [BETA]

    ⚠️Survive natural disasters while also getting punished by the God's anger!⚠️ 🚨 Dangers Included 🚨 -💫 Falling -💨 Really fast flying objects -🤮 Getting sick -⚡ Getting electrified -☄️ Falling stones - 👺Minions -🌫️ Water...... -☁️ Crazy weather conditions !PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS GAME IS STILL IN BETA SO ANY UNEXPECTED BUGS MAY APPEAR! 📬 Feedback would be appreciated :) Upcoming: Dozen of maps; Earthquake (Working on it); Wild Fire; Daily Challenges; Achievements; Global Translated; PETS; And MUCH MUCH MORE; So don't forget to follow! Controls PC_ Shift: Run

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  • 🔧🔨 Master Builders 🔧🔨 [RTHRO]

    Don't forget to Thumbs Up and Follow for more exciting updates such as: SOON I WILL PROVIDE THIS GAME WITH BETTER BUILDING TOOLS AND EASIER TO USE One of the players will build something and your goal is to guess what he is building! You can give hints as a builder to guessers Type in your guess in chat and check if it is true or not

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    This game will never get shut down. This is my first ever Roblox game. Enjoy! :) =================================================================== Adventure mode gives 1500 POINTS!!! ================================== If you leave, you will also lose your points

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