
  • Bunglest OFL Career [Read Desc]

    this man messed up the position some edits to forum 2 for cb stuff: s1: 1 int (2 games played) s2: 3 ints (missed 2 games) ---- coached leagues best defense ---transition to zone defense at deep cb--- s3: 5 ints ---- led leagues best defense s4: 5 ints (missed 2 games) s5: 10 ints cboty/mvp s6: 6 ints cboty nomination s7: 5 ints (missed 1 game) ---- goat ofl defense pre 8 v 8/mvp s8: 1 int (1 game played) on shaun XD! s9: 2 ints (4 games played) --- worst defense i ever played on too s10: suspended.... for all but 1 game 38 ints in roughly 6 seasons (lowered/adjusted cause it seems more games are added every season) http://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=173045836 http://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=173972810

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