
  • [O R O B A S] Occupied Outpost C

    Scattered across the no-man-lands of the north east deserts are various military bases and facilities that have been built and maintained in order to gain some footage in the on going territory war over the massive and resource rich lands. A small outpost built and guarded by a splinter cell faction of the Anor Russian Forces was recently attacked and swiftly invaded and is now under Orobas PMC as their first step to make an impact on the region resource war.

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  • [ O R O B A S] Headquarters and FOB

    "Near the equator deep in the uncharted jungle landscapes of the north Neo-African remains is a small military camp. Upon discovery, the military force stationed there, Orobas, was surprisingly friendly and actually invited interviewers and MB Government officials to inspect the camp for illegal arms. MBNN's own Lorena Winter got a one on one interview with the leader of the organization. Going by the title of Director, the vaktovian man who hides his face with a Zebra mask explained that the operation was by no means malicious and was solely an open community for forgotten soldiers and warriors with no where else to go. Political figures are currently in debate about the existence of this military establishment and organization considering how close they are to the new city of Haven, but according to the hospitality of the soldiers stationed there, they appear to just be men playing in the woods. Back to you Robert!"

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