
  • How long can you survive MICHAEL?

    Well, I think I did a good job on this. So you're camping at a camping site and all you have is an awesome gravity gun to occupy him for a bit. Do you think you have what it takes to survive michael with just that? Favorite for more games like this

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  • Defend yourself from an Endless Wave of Zombies!

    PPSH41 in starter and you might want to read this. If and when you do complete the obby get all the stuff you want and get the wormhole gun and shoot once on the yellow spawn, then shoot it back where you started the obby if you don't want to walk back to the base. If you get infected PLEASE DO NOT INFECT PEOPLE simply go to the menu hit reset and then hit yes and then Ta-Da!

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  • Sword fighting!

    Yes it has a shop! And if you're the first on on the server you can get those perrty little weapons you see! No kills required to get those!

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