
  • Cloud Emulation Testing

    Me and my other developer, currently have separate laptops, to host cloud servers, which can only contain up to 40 people for only an hour at max, then it refreshes so everyone could have a chance, to play! also controls are in the game, so don't be puzzled. Both Laptops, contain 32 GB's of RAM with an i9-9900K, plugged into ethernet's to have the best quality of the cloud servers. You're gaming rig shouldn't matter, playing an emulated version of the game. It's mainly prioritized on your Wifi. The worse, the more cheap quality and Input Delay. Questions that are frequently asked... Q: Will you be directed to any other applications, than roblox? A: No, but instead the cloud game will be running inside of Roblox. Q: Will more test's and games like this be coming back? A: Of course, but it depend's on how well this does and the motivation us Developers to continue moving forward.

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