
  • CanVas

    Unfold. Understand. Undo. Undertake. Up we go, but down we're back

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  • Meh

    What does it mean?

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  • the Door --technical update

    ---Just safety measures--- more maps, tools and a symplification of the menus will come in a near future. During the creation of roblox, certain objects were made. Most of this objects still exist, but one of them was the door. The door is one of the most powerfull of this objects. when you step into it, you go into an random place, staying out of phase and invisible to everyone else.This object was so powerfull that the admins hid it in this remote baseplate. Until you appeared here. Now... will you explore one of the biggest secrets of roblox?The door is open.....door travelling is dangerous.... you have been warned ----

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  • ICBM launch site (ICBM Works)

    --just safety stuff--- sit back and nuke it. Range of nuke is 6395 studs that is also the code you need to enter to open the roof doors (enter is, and a pad will appear green-open roof; red-close roof; black locks the roof and close it. The regen will appear after the nuke has detonated. To select taget sit on nuke chair, select the nuke tool and click on target (doors must be open or nuke goes nowhere).The nuke is activated by distance to target and not by touch

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  • gui rendering


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