
  • Dominion Act 2:The Necronic temple

    BIO: This temple set on a asteroide has been found lately. Its an ancient temple with a huge amount of necron. Due to its high presence of necron, pink trees and upside waterfalls started coming on this mysterious temple. A necron outpost has been set with a satellite. Even with some of the most powerful weapons, the doors were unabled to be open. With all the information we've got so far, we know that only the chosen one could open the door. __-=:;Science is the art of creation- //Forged in darkness, birthed from chaos, and blessed with Cynthia's will, the Voidblade is a destructive entity that wipes out anything in its path.

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  • [NTC:] Act 4C:: Office

    Welcome to my office.Here I manage the company and reaserche on the necron.You may see floating things,blame roblox

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