
  • British_Ball's Place Number: 6

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  • Operation Unthinkable 1945 July the 1st

    General ###### and Several other Western Generals of The Second World War had a idea to free soviet held Europe and Other parts of The World from Communism. Originally This plan was going to be activated but was shortly denied by President ###### #### in this timeline it happened and he allowed it.] ###### was furious and Mad at the Western Allied Power's Descive war against his USSR And he declared a war on the Allied Western powers and Shortly after on July the 1st [Alt Timeline] A battle was being taken place in Germany against the Soviets and the Allied Powers had won this battle but had Lost so Many in this game you will experience This Battle. Please Join my group Diamond Coast Empire and I'll do More of these Place outlooks or even a simulator if you Guys want.

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  • Evacuation of Dunkirk [1940 May 26- May 28th]

    The Evacuation begins at Dunkirk 300,000 Men are retreating after the Blitzkreg by the Germans. The British and the French, Belgian,Polish Are severely loosing the war They hope a miracle came. It did Come by a armada of Civilian ships Giving the Men Home. as Winston churchill Famously said We shall fight in the seas and the beaches we shall fight in the landing grounds we shall fight In the very province giving strength to the air! we shall defend our island No matter the cost may be we shall fight in France! We shall Never Surrender!

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