
  • Simplicity, Serenity, and Serendipity.

    ROBLOX Y U NO FUN NO MORE?!? My feels man. Right in the childhood. Both the game and the community have deteriorated since I first joined back in '08. Things were so much more fun when things were simplier, like raiding a recruitment center by sneaking in and getting a gun that was just a 2x1 grey block. Simplicity, serenity and serendipity. Those were the attributes that made Roblox fun. This is where I come to hide from the distortion that's engulfed Roblox.

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  • The Compound

    A not-so-secret secret compound located somewhere in Afghanistan... or maybe Pakistan... or is it Iran? Anyways it's a little place where operators and/or contractors can take a little breather. Sorry I've watched the film 13 Hours like 7 times and it's really gotten to me

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  • Distortion

    Just a quiet little place for me to escape all the chaos and corruption of Roblox and to get back to what Roblox was meant to be for, building.

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  • Brave New World

    My primary map and also where I build little side projects. I like to name my places after some of my favorite books/quotes.

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  • Hero of the Wastes

    After the very short Great War which annihilated most of the world, most survivors began living in the sense of "every man for himself." One survivor, though, chose not to bandwagon himself with them, and instead chose a more selfless role in the wastes, providing justice and security to all he came across.

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JawzPawz has no creations.