
  • Cerulean Nation: Training Center Vixtrus

    Training Center Vixtrus This training academy is the second Cerulean Nation training center. Members are expected to follow the rules that are posted in the official guide. Other players are welcome to join but are requested to act courteously. Any questions relating to the group and its events can be forwarded to an HR member. Official Cerulean Nation Guide: forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=184095324

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  • Cerulean Nation: Fort Aera

    Fort Aera This is currently Cerulean Nation's only and main base. The full list of rules has been posted in the forum below. However, some rules may change for specific wars. Please note that at least 5 CN members (1 must be an HR member) are required to be present in the server for the raid to officially start. Also, at least 5 raiders must be present for the raid to be official; if some raiders leave and there are less than 5 remaining, that will end the raid and count as a win for Cerulean Nation. If either Cerulean Nation or the raiding team holds undisputed control of the fort for 10 minutes, they will win. The official time limit for raids is 1 hour; if a raid crosses the time limit, the raid will end and count as a win for Cerulean Nation. Rules: Coming soon!

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  • Cerulean Nation: Recruit Obby

    Recruit Obstacle Course This course is designed to be a simple obby. Complete this and obtain the badge at the end. Then message a high rank (Colonel+) to promote you to Private. If you are already a Private or higher, earning the badge will not earn you a promotion to a higher rank.

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  • Cerulean Nation: Holo Training Center Alveria

    Holo Training Center Alveria This training academy is the main Cerulean Nation training center. Members are expected to follow the rules that are posted in the official guide. Other players are welcome to join but are requested to act courteously. Any questions relating to the group and its events can be forwarded to an HR member. Official Cerulean Nation Guide: forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=184095324 HR Commands: Open Holo Close Holo Host Me Unhost Load Flats Load Hills Load Mountain Load Colors Load Obstacles Load Soccer End All

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