
  • Armoured Combat 4.6: IS-4

    V4.6: Added the IS-4 soviet heavy tank built by firemaster927 (may need rebalancing) and added different gun firing sounds for each tank. Tell me what you think about the new sounds below EXTRA POINTS TSHIRT: http://www.roblox.com/Etra-Points-Armoured-Combate-item?id=56135898. MORE EXTRA POINTS: http://www.roblox.com/Armoured-Combat-Bigger-Amount-of-extra-points-item?id=63643774 . To win, kill all of the enemies reenforceme

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  • City Cruise

    Say 'genhelicopter' to regen the heli. Say '/startderby' to start a demolition derby.

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  • Weapons testing

    A very simple game. No gamemodes, no score counter, no maps, just testing weapons and a loadout screen I am making. More probably coming soon.

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  • Proceedural generated terrain tests.

    Testing a script I made that can generate terrain without just randomizing it. No two areas of terrain are exactly the same, yet if you visit a certian position twice, the terrain there will be the same. Think minecraft. Gear is enabled and there's a rough buggy version of my car here so there's actually something to do. (I might add buildings/secrets far out on the map for something to find later too but for now this is just a test)

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