
  • Foshes Universe [outdated] [historical piece]

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  • foshes' Paintball [OPEN-SOURCE]

    Foshes' Paintball is my take on ROBLOX paintball. This is my submission for the Infinite Canvas '250x250' game jam. My goal was to create a mix of daxter33's paintball and the Mad Paintball. Development for this game began on August 10th, 2021. This game has been open-sourced, to hopefully help people get an idea as to what I've done to make this game. There are a couple of things I probably would redo for this game (in specific, the shooting). While it works, it becomes increasingly more difficult to handle multiple types of guns (miniguns, shotguns, snipers, etc). Team: - foshes (papapyra): made the game - twitch chat: moral support This game was created entirely on stream @ twitch.tv/superjoshiepartyanimal123. There are no copyrighted sounds or music attached to this game.

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  • Rocket Launchers [OPEN-SOURCE]

    how to do server sided cooldowns. in addition, some code using NoCollisionConstraints and BodyForce/BodyVelocity for a projectile rocket! open-sourced, and documented. last update: 6/28/21

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  • unboxing (no visuals) [OPEN SOURCE]

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  • Pyramind's Permutation Calculator

    permutation calculator i made to make doing homework a lot easier on myself B)

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  • The Cake is a Lie [OPEN-SOURCE]

    Based around the meme that involves cutting random objects and finding out they're cake. The starting menu song was created by LimitedC. The other song is titled 'Jazz Sneaking Suspense - Gaming Background Music (HD)'. There is no copyright infringement attached to it. The only asset that I do not own is the knife, which is a ROBLOX mesh (Rambo Knife). Every other asset, including code and building was created by papapyra. Submitted around 11pm EST on 7/30/20 and was last updated on 7/31/20 around 1:30am. This was entered in Y3llowMustang's Game Jam. The theme was 'It's all a lie.'

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