
  • ROBLOX City [OBBY For tools] [Happy hallowen!]

    Visitors - Only Roleplay Member - build NO C4 Admin - kick or ban other people or give tools. Shirts will be at my Tshirt there. Banned with a reason petter6789-spamming - Forever Awsomerocker22-DELETING-forever mindlesstrose423-deleting-9 weeks shoelace7412-C4ed my game - 1 Month awesomebobbby-C4ed + Delte - Forever Warning:Spamming leads you to ban so dont do it! Banning will include time. Petter spamming work has been deleted. So have fun! Update:Many works need to be deleted. Im sorry and there will be no more tools. Due to C4 And waterterrains. Finish the obby to get tools if you dont want. Please go to the exit. OBBY Levels LVL 1 Spikes - Easy Lvl 2 - Up/down spikes - easy Lvl 3 - Spikes with floating pad - Medium Lvl 4 - Killing fire and spikes - Medium - Try stepping on the fire wood before the fire goes on. Lvl 5 - Moving spikes - easy Lvl 6 - Spikes hop - Easy Lvl 7 - Swim to other brick. - Easy Lvl 8 - Hop - Easy Lvl 9 - Step on the terrai

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  • Hide and seek! (How well can you hide?)

    Vip is game pass Please look down

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  • The undead coming...

    VIP Will be added soon.

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  • Survive a plane crash! [Hallowen updates] [Video]

    Story line : You spent 2 days 20 hours at a place which is far far away from your home and its about 500 KM. Spending soo many days with your parents. We decided to go home. While the news said : Attention everyone,Theres a storm out there and its dangerous. And he said please do not go to the plane as it may has a lightning strike. We didnt hear that then we went to the airport. The plane arrvived and we got in. Theres no passengers or pilot but a mystery pilot. I call him Mysterious man He looked like a zombie. Who is he? And suddenly. The plane crashed. Into a island and the mystery guy is not in there! Can you slove the mystery??? Take the plane and find out who is the mystery pilot. Who is he? Zombie? Or ....... End of story. Find out in the next game called : The revenge of mystery pilot [Coming soon]

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  • Get the flag! [ROBLOX Verison]

    More updates coming soon

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  • Escape from the school! - WIP [Work in progress]

    Oh no! Your late and your punished and your locked in a room with many students. With a angry teacher! Can you escape before its after school? There will be no vips So anyone claming to sell this game vip will be a lie. Admins will be : richieitchy,limnarutoo,wask0 and gokukill2012 NOTE:Anyone caught copying models from this game or the whole game will be asked by me. this game contains copyright! © 2012-2019 © max players : 10

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  • Team deathmatch! [ROBLOX Verison]

    All updates will be from richieitchy. But some are from ROBLOX Reset. So i will try to update daily.

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  • ROBLOX Survive the zombie attack! Christmas update

    Merry christmas! The major updates has finally came. This is day 1 Christmas party will end at 9/1/2013 Rest of desc. Ok this game haz no free models. I Will give all credits to the previous creator of the zombie game and the game gave me ideas to build this game. This game haz only 7 types of zombie. We allow you to build for 100 seconds which is 1 minute and 40 seconds. And the disaster will last for 50 seconds. Now when you survived one round. you will get 50 points not 30 points anymore. So i also added a shop so you can buy things. Thank you for taking time to read our description!!!!!! Updates Removed shop - Broke Added 3 new types of zombies. They are troll zombies,Boss zombies,Strong boss zombies. Alleycat65 Sell this game vip if u see anyone said that they sell this game vip is fake unless its alleycat65 Vip link : http://www.roblox.com/Error-Message-2-item?id=98198264

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  • Marble man v.2.1.4

    I want to give credit to jacob33333

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  • The mushroom obby

    The mushroom obby will be done at 18/11/12

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richieitchy has no creations.