
  • --Build your own city classic tycoon!--

    W000000T NEW STUFF OUT! CELL PHONE XBOX360 AND GAMES WII AND WII GAMES GAMESTOP SIGN Have fun on the update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!VIP shirt link is http://www.roblox.com/Item.aspx?ID=5932565 and can be used. It gives access to the underground building area plus! jump and tele giver! Use the bricks that are provided to make your own house/shop! You can use the "Recolor" tool to change the color. Also the tool next to it to make the bricks long or larger. The rules are DO NOT delete other peoples creations. If someone breaks the rule then tell me. They will be banned... Say "commands" to veiw some of the commands. THERE IS NO DELETE BUTTON AT THE MOMENT IF I GET ENOUGH MESSAGES ASKING FOR ONE I WILL ADD ONE

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