
  • The Glowing Obby(New Stages!)

    UPCOMING UPDATES: I will be pretty much revamping the entire vip section(and adding new items and cool things in the rooms for players who buy the VIP), Winners will be worked on and finished to look more purty:3, and other fixes. Welcome to the Glowing Obby Like and favorite:D The winners is small because i keep adding stages. The hidden badges are hard to find. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Best thing to reduce lag is to change your graphics quality to 1. If you dont know how just open your settings and slide the graphics bar to 1:) I will also try to take away some of the lag. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning:DO NOT HIT LOAD IF YOU HAVE NEVER SAVED ------------------------------ My fan group/club.. Find out what kind of updates i will be doing to my games! http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=580895

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  • Obby Tower(VIP servers up)

    Updates: Changed the location of VIP and made it better. But it is not finished! More will be added! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some stages are supposed to be very dark! Use your flashlight. Welcome to the tower. The new version:) Vip Rooms are being worked on still but you got some stage changers for now! It is currently 35 stages but increasing every week. You can send me a stage made by you! Just take the model in my models(Baseplate for OT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to play the old version? Its in my games:) Thanks for playing:D Don't forget to drop a like and or a fav;) Suggestions/concerns/bugs, please send them to me:)

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  • Dynamic Museum Tycoon[Early Alpha]

    Update log: Finished fixing the "Unbuyable" buttons glitch. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the Dynamic Museum Tycoon. Here you buy parts to a museum that glows and has walkthrough stuff to do! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [READ] This game is in BETA so i will be adding ALOT more stuff to the museum and more stuff to do while waiting for your earnings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my very first tycoon ------------------------------------- VIP's have stuff still being added. -------------------------------- Suggestions? Don't be shy, send me a PM and i may add it:D

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  • Zero Gravity Sword Fighting

    Sale on gamepasses! ----------------------------------------- Ever wondered what it would be like to fight your foes in zero gravity? Well now you can! Player points have been added! The map is small but lots of new stuff will appear..and tricks:D

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  • The Rainbow Obby(Updating again)

    VIP doors fixed and added, PM me if any problems!(Only in new servers!) This game was my first and is my "Worst" obby. Thats why theres poor building/placements. I will only update if there are bugs/broken stages. But pretty much done with this one. Check out my better games Glowing Obby Obby Tower Sword fight in zero G Dynamic museum tycoon

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  • Obby Tower[Old version, new version out!]

    Want to make a stage for the new obby tower being made!? Take this model and when finished send to me:D. Any questions about it please pm me. http://www.roblox.com/Base-for-Obby-Tower-item?id=145973767 --------------------------------------------------- New obby tower is now released! Heres the story for killer water: A chemical leaked into the water which eats/burns your skin. one touch = death ------------------------------------------------------------ Mini vip-http://www.roblox.com/Mini-vip-for-Obby-Tower-item?id=92449482

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