
  • destroy the eiffle tower.Check out my over games :

    If people abuse the script builder tell me and i will talk to them and if they don't listen and carry on they will be banned from game. Thanks to Anaminus for the script builder i have done some tweaks to it so it runs slightly smoother and better. How to create a script Example the piano script/ step 1. create/piano/local step 2. edit/piano step 3 the script. name = "roblox111222" me = game.Players[name] screen = Instance.new("ScreenGui") screen.Parent = me.PlayerGui screen.Name = "Piano" pos = 200 pos2 = 200 for i=0.4, 2, 0.1 do pos = pos + 31 local p = Instance.new("TextButton") p.Parent = screen p.Size = UDim2.new(0, 30, 0, 85) p.Position = UDim2.new(0,pos,0,300) p.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.94,0.94,0.94) p.Text = "" local sound = Instance.new("Sound") sound.Parent = game.Players sound.Volume = 1 sound.Pitch = i sound.SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/uuhhh.wav" p.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() sound:play() end) end for i=0.4, 2, 0.1 do

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  • adventures of robloxia , re opened

    Reopend please inbox me if any bugs are here :) enjoy you medieval time in medi robloxia level up fight kings and qweens and monsters and cave men. shall you fail or shall you rise up and rule all of robloxia

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  • mini games Reopend after 5 years:)

    Might bug out if it does please inbox me :) come here and play mini games dont abuse the tools i am only going to let them stay in but if people abuse them they are out of the game

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  • demolition derby.R.A.G.E group place + public

    have fun vip soon

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  • race track in progress 80% complete

    hi welcome to race of death you come here to challenge players of the world.drive f1 cars witch has spike on the frount and on the wheels ... this is a game in progress i have 80%complete when it has been finished it will have sounds when you rev the engin and when you crash it will be destroyed and when you were youre tiers out they pop

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