
  • Connected

    This is a place for me. I'm experimenting on what I can achieve. Seeing as I have a lot of spare time on my hands I can handle creating a new place. I'm not aiming for popularity. I'm hoping I can create something beautiful because we all seem to miss the beautiful things in life. I'm also aiming for this place to give me motivation in someway, I don't know yet. I haven't been doing very well recently and I need motivation. So please don't ask to build/help me out for me, as much as I appreciate you asking. This is something I have to work on myself to really sort out my problems. I want this place to be personal, independent and made completely by myself. Thanks - Abi.

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  • Ghostly Obby

    A small obby so far. Still under construction. ~Abi

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  • Cafe/House? Under Construction.

    Under Construction.

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oAbi has no creations.