
  • xxXDATSPICYXxx's Place

    This is your very first ROBLOX creation. Check it out, then make it your own with ROBLOX Studio!

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  • Veamk's Place Number: 1

    | Fighter’s Will | ________________ You must learn to become the strongest in the ring of glory.. This upcoming fighting game is where you experience growth in power to show your strength in arenas and city life. You can choose sides to become a criminal / gang member or become part of the Organization. The Organization protects those who roam good and destroys those who are evil. This game is an open world and almost everything and everyone will be interactive, things such as injury will exist so be careful. Make allies, and compete with your friends to reach the top, as well as make a gang and become the best one. With the strength you gain, you must choose a side and prevail in power. _______ Controls: Double Click W to Run B to Grip F to Block V to Sit Right Click to Heavy Attack Q + WASD to Dash Check Youtube Videos for Tutorials _______ DISCLAIMER: Game isn't done, so expect bugs or not enough concepts. By playing you agree to this disclaim.

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