

  • 🌇 RoVille [BETA]

    ⚠WARNING⚠ The game is not complete and features are being worked on! If you have any issues, contact us! RoVille is an open-world multiplayer life simulation game where players can work one of many jobs, build their dream home and socialize with other players! 🌇Explore this large world while driving fully customizable cars which can be purchased in-game! 🏠Browse the vast user-generated property marketplace, find a house that fits your style and customize it to your liking! 🏨Build an amazing house and sell it to other players on the marketplace! ⚠BETA WILL LAST A FEW WEEKS BEFORE THE GAME IS RELEASED FOR FREE. Beta-Testing Minimum requirements: • PC or Mac Desktop • 4GB RAM • Keyboard+Mouse (No touch input support as of now) Learn more here: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/roville-introduction-and-beta-info/354879 Contact Enqrypted (@EnqryptedDev) for issues, bugs or suggestions Feel free to follow the Swootch builder on twitter (@Swoootch)

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    We see Albert... ALWAYS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reminder: Gamepass is not working for flamingo :)

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