
  • Xenai Imperium :-//Holo Bravo.

    say load/ then the command to start it and end/ to end it Abominable, Winter, Bridge, Colors, obby1, obby2, obby3, sft, gft, hills, lake.

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  • Of Unsounded Minds. V. 0.1

    Of Unsounded Minds is a murder game brought to you by Core Studios. We understand the murder franchise has grown stale to most and we know you may be thinking, "Ugh, Another murder game", so our development team is trying to make Of Unsounded Minds as different from all the other murder games as possible. Of Unsounded Minds has 2 deputies, 1 Undecided, 1 undercover, and of course all the witnesses. The Undecided job is to murder all the witnesses without being caught. The undercover has a knife like the Undecided and a badge to show the deputies to avoid confusion with the Undecided. Witnesses cant talk and they have to avoid contact with the Undecided. And of course deputies, they have a gun and there mission is to take out the Undecided and protect the witnesses and the undercover. Thanks for all the support! The estimated completion date is August 20th, 2015. Join Core Studios if you want to track our progress. http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=9893

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  • Stabbed V 0.4

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