
  • Dreams of Decay | VOL. III | REVAMP | Burger Place

    Pineford, MI | Summer 1984 After Vol. II, the crew settles in Pineford's Sunrise Trailer Parks near Astrohall Mall. Sinclaire remains haunted by his tragic family past in the city, striving to move forward with determination. Post-Quinn Massacre, Pineford has shed its troubled past, embracing a new identity that caters to the likings of a new generation. The state-of-the-art Astrohall Mall, serene Riverside, and revitalized Pineford River receive widespread acclaim. "There's always something to discover in Pineford."

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  • Dreams of Decay | VOL. II | Burger Place

    Darlington, MI | Fall, 1983 After fleeing from Cambridge, the crew finds themselves in a quaint little town on the outskirts, where they stumble upon a beautiful old household, inherited by the crew from a distant relative. Grateful for their newfound sanctuary, they settle in and begin to rebuild their lives, forging a strong bond with the locals and embracing the sense of community they've longed for. As the days pass, life becomes routine, with each crew member contributing their unique skills to maintain the house and the surrounding garden. The once disparate group begins to function like a family, supporting and understanding one another, forging a connection that goes beyond mere camaraderie. However, their peaceful existence is disrupted when Pyro's Arcade opens its doors nearby. This particular branch is a part of the legendary Chompers Franchise, a once-thriving chain of arcades that had been bought out during a salvage auction back in 1982.

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  • Dreams of Decay | VOL. I Burger Place

    Cambridge, MI | Winter 1982 The Northside Plaza is beginning to decline in business. Profits slowly lower every single week. The Plaza was known for hosting several rare shops and attractions. One of the attractions being Chompers Family Fun, a clean factor in the reason the Plaza failed to gain visits from the public. Many main-store anchors began to pull out of their leases and moving to other plazas. Mr. Collymore, the owner of the NS Plaza, created plans to demolish the section of the plaza that hosted Chompers. But before then, precautions have to be taken. Complete the story.

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