
  • Chain Infection

    In the middle of nowhere, a secretive corporation called ViraLabs has set up a simulated city to test the spread of their viruses; and you are patient zero. Infect as many people as you can and plan your upgrades wisely to spread your virus like wildfire, and compete against other viruses to see which one is the most effective. Will you reign supreme? ______ Created for the 2023 Roblox Developer Challenge under the theme "Chain Reaction". The team members and their contributions are as follows: TigerValdos: Building/Environment Design DavidPlayzYT13: UI Design/Scripting Mekeladon: Graphics/Scripting AuraLixius: Composition/Sound Design ______ Due to the rushed nature of the Developer Challenge, the game may feel lacking in some areas or some features may not work as intended. As soon as the contest is over, we will be releasing updates and bug fixes.

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  • My Dominus Collection

    get it its empty hahahahahaha

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  • [PRE-ALPHA] Valdos Robotics Facility

    Just realized this place has over 900 visits.. I have no clue how it got that popular, its not even finished. Regardless, thank you everyone! ---------------------- Far away from civilization in an unknown mountain environment, crazy science and explosions are taking place in the Valdos Robotics Facility! Like mechs and robots? Well we have both! Enjoy your stay! (Valdos Technology is not responsible for any injury or death that has a 98.5% chance of occuring. Enter at your own risk.) ---------------------- Keep in mind game is in pre-alpha, so bugs and glitches are common. Things will also be very raw and jumpy, as development progresses expect things to get better. ---------------------- Built by: TigerValdos Programmed by: TinyEndoskeletonGuy and robbert66

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