
  • My house

    re-reset cause the new default is awesome

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  • Zombie Defence V.3.9 WORKING ON GUNS

    ZOMBIE FEST!!! Survive the onslaught of infected zombies in your house turned to fortress! You now must some how get past the hordes zombies. Your only hope is to get to the safe house and prove you are worthy to survive. _______________________________________________ UPDATE: hang in there, im still working on the issue, the chainguns will still kill zombies though. _______________________________________________ [link to VIP shirt is http://www.roblox.com/Item.aspx?ID=11693900] _______________________________________________ (Note: If i get 1000 visits i will have a 1k visit party and open the "VIP room" and "Creator only room" to all for a week or so. Always remember, im open for suggestions.

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  • Battle Ground

    My first made-from-scratch place!

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  • Attack of the Noobs v. 0.3 (BETA)

    The tittle tells it all. Survive against the horde of noobs trying to spread the Virus classified as "Noobitis". The only cure for noobitis is Hax but this is a short term cure and the treatment is very morally and socially painful. If you can, try to find the safe house. Keep in mind that these noobs are crafty and they may have laid a trap or two...

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  • Sly715's Militia: Outpost Blance

    Our militia set up a space outpost near the planet of our HQ. It is used as a defensive base to protect it untill it is finished being built and the shield generator is opperational. You will take one of our Frigates and arrive on a shuttle. For now, we are using RAT weaponry untill our master builder team (we need more people) makes some weapons for ourselves.

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  • Public labs

    This is a place with models, projects, scripts, and anything else im using/working with that im allowing others to see.

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  • My Hangout

    Ya, i used free models, so sue me (cause ill counter sue)

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  • Sly715's Militia: Desert Camp

    Still being set up, but the basic building has been put together though.

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  • Starship Defence v.0.3 FAR FROM DONE

    This map is not entirely finished, i need to add some decorative elements, an easter egg or two, some badges, and maybe a VIP area. The Incineration, a heavy assault class starship, is being invaded by space pirates, in the attack they got thier way into the fighter bay and shut off all fighters, weakened the shields, put communications offline, wiped out the turret control, putting the ship on red alert. Unable to call for help or evacuate, the Crew of The Incineration is on thier own. With your help, defend or attack the vessel using your standard issue Devestator pistol and any other weapons of your own. To victory!

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