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  • Realistic: The Motorway [ DEMO ]

    [ The Motorway ] Issues that i plan on fixing: - The fact you can spam spawn vehicles, It spamming it too much fills up the explorer workspace. This will surely create high a unsmooth gameplay and a high rate ping. - I plan on fixing the cash system, Honestly there's alot of bugs to get through. I only did just make this game as a prototype. Desc: This game is originally made to be a travel type of entertainment. Just drive, You'll see the fun of it. ;) Wait til you reach the end tho :p - Bug fixes: * Source of issue with the shirt game pass option has been removed. Turns out plugins will try do you dirty LOL * Some vehicles bug issues fixed. * Stopped bugging characters Updates: + Motorway is now x1.5 times Longer then it originally was. + Another pathway has been created for Kempire HQ + Working on a small town area

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