
  • ASC forest outpost

    A base in honor of the ASC...its not done

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  • Roblox as i remember it (Read desc)

    A salute to old roblox from early 07 sadly i couldnt make it PERFECT but its close to what i used to do for fun.

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  • The Boiler

    This map is more of a proof on concept than an actual game, but don't let that stop you from dropping in! Currently, it is playable, but you ought to bring a friend or enemy with you.

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  • Y2223: Machine Rising (WIP)

    [INCOMING TRANSMISSION] Not many of us are left these days. Let me start from the beginning. About twenty years ago, Centri Corp launched a new program. It promised to bring an end to all human conflict by introducing new robotic soldiers, law enforcers, and even prison guards. It did not take long to program them, but we left out a small detail. You see, these robots were designed to detain and kill. So, they did such. But ultimately, the line between civilians and criminals blurred. That is when they began to drag us from our homes. Those few of us left have picked sides. Some want a new democracy founded, while others want a communism. We have become our own worst enemy. [END TRANSMISSION] [TIMESTAMP: 1-9-23, 10:PM EST] Welcome to Y2223, a dark and bleak future where humanity's arrogance was the bow that shot the arrow that struck them down. There are several factions, bases, a large map, and even a nice bit of backstory. This game is a ROLEPLAY, which means that you wil

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  • Survival 250

    A revamp of survival 202, it is not much new, just a rare eel, a couple decorations, a new gold source, and a surprise inside the old mine cave.

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