
  • FL2 Contest

    The temple of the harmonious fists is a group of Eastern warrior monks who have taken this conflict to heart seeing the Western Castle town as the corruption of the earth. To which they have prevented trade between the West and other villages as well as the East. They also are the first to experiment with personal firearms such as hand-cannons to which they are mainly used as defensive measures do to their size and weight. (This isn't attached to the far lands lore this is just a story attached to my entry.)

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  • Building Contest Thing

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  • Blackout: Lake Michigan.

    Blackout is a post apocalyptic game set around the Lake Michigan area of the US [Rules] https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=225445782 [Lore] https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=225256478 Update Log: #### ####### ####### was added (Hopefully last major additions cause if it isn't...I won't say anything else cause reasons)

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