
  • Maisonette 9 - Uncopylocked

    Sold to NerfModder, Rest in Peace. open to public - it's an old game, i'll probably remake this some time in the future

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  • Little Odessa

    notes: add bank gives +1000, wanted level and hospital visits leaderboard, add shops where gives u +100 [ALL PREVIOUS ADMINS REMOVED DUE TO EXCESSIVE ABUSE, ALONG WITH EXPLOSIVES] Place isn't too detailed because I had to make this in a hurry for a group. If you don't have the driver's license you will be killed at parking lots. To admins: Do NOT give yourself tools, stop being lazy. We have gamepasses, stores and turf weaponry for a reason. I don't recommend having your graphics settings over 7 PM Stitchykinz if you want to purchase turf. Turf purchased here will remain here always, however it is non-refundable.

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