
  • [EBR] The Scarlet Chateau Build Showcase

    This showcase is 100% made with parts in-studio, including the painting and floor/ceiling murals. No external modelling programs were used in the building of this showcase. The only meshes are Roblox hats used on statues, text from the 3D Text plugin, and select post-optimized items. 5/25/24 - turned off shadow casting on 200k+ parts. this will provide a big performance boost TODO (probably never) -Clean up z-fighting -Finish floor mural -Randomize library book colors -More murals & paintings Plugins used: Studio Build Suite - Fractality Gapfill & ResizeAllign - Stravant Archimedes Two - Scriptos ThreeD Text - Xaxa CurveCutter - Defaultio Donation board by twinqle Opened - 10/14/2021 RAR Master Ranking - 10/18/2021 Elite Builders of Robloxia - 10/22/2021

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  • Irithyll Tower (2017)

    !! THERE IS NO GAMEPLAY. Its only purpose is as a visual experience. !! ~ You awake in a tower, hidden away among the mountains of an unknown land. ~ 100% built in Roblox Studio. Originally built January 2017, with occasional updates to lighting. Visit my newer showcase here: https://www.roblox.com/games/4676460777/EBR-The-Scarlet-Chateau-Build-Showcase Credits: Uses Radiogamer's 'Firefly Swarm' script.

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  • Winds of Solace

    A dueling arena. New animations/physics Built on January 12th 2017

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fourpapa1 has no creations.