
  • tip jar

    tip jar

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  • Orion Protocol [Prototype]

    Was originally a Mirror's Edge (2008) / Mirror's Edge: Catalyst (2016) fangame project This should in no way be considered a "demo" to Orion Protocol, as most of the game has been changed fundamentally. This unoptimized and buggy version of Orion Protocol is a prototype. [CONTROLS] [M] - Pause Menu === === === === === === === Both Mirror's Edge and its sequel are beautiful, revolutionary works of art, and I would STRONGLY recommend playing them first, taking the time to experience the beauty of both games. The development of this project is in no way affiliated with DICE / EA and is solely a passion project, made for fun and out of passion for the game. Most sounds have been borrowed directly from Mirror's Edge (2008).

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  • when mom says we have katamari at home

    mom: "we have katamari at home" katamari at home:

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