
  • Innovation Inc. Spaceship

    Further than any man or machine has ever been, flies the futuristic Innovation Inc Spaceship. Sent out by Innovation Inc., the ship has been flying for centuries, exploring and studying the secrets of the universe. This spacecraft has the most advanced technologies, such as the ability to hyperjump faster than light and a reactor core that is an almost infinite energy source. Explore the ship, do experiments on each other, get infected, travel through space and survive on alien planets! 💥 Destroy or defend the reactor core! 🔬 Conduct unpredictable ‘scientific' experiments in the laboratories! 🪐 Travel through space and discover alien planets! 🧟 Become a zombie! 👊 Fight zombies! ⭐ Private server owners get admin commands in their server! 🖥️ Supports PC, mobile, consoles and VR Security rules don't apply. Join Innovation Inc.: https://www.roblox.com/groups/group.aspx?gid=157764 Join Innovation security (Submits a join request): https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=901313

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  • Can you survive a plane crash?

    A cleaned up and updated version of the classic game "Can you survive a plane crash?" I made this mainly to hang out with people :)

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  • Cable TV & Socialize

    It's actually more Cable TV than socialize, but that doesn't matter. In this game you can zap to almost 40 different channels and see what the Roblox TV network has to offer!

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  • Non-Euclidean / Impossible Room

    A cool impossible room. I also made it uncopylocked so you can see how i did it

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  • Telephone Booths

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  • Battle Boats (In Development)

    Im working on a new Game here, where you can battle boat vs boat! This game is playable, although expect: -missing features -bugs -statwipes

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  • Roblox Battle Simulator [Alpha]

    Note: This game is far, far from done. Many updates and gamemodes will come. Roblox Battle Simulator, Where you can set up up to 5 teams against each other to fight to their death! Not only can you watch the teams fight, you can even join them and use their weapons against them! Don't forget to join my fan group! https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2988324

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  • Executive Exploder

    To be honest I do not know why I made this. But you can kill all executives of innovation in this game, including madattak and rolijok!

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  • Hamster Hangout!

    Do you want to know what it feels like to be a hamster? Is your big dream running around in an enormous house ? Then this is a (virtual) dream come true! Come hangout and and chat with other players, or go on a tremendous adventure through the house! Controls: W = move forwards A = move left S = move Backwards D = move right Spacebar = jump Shift = run Tags: Copylocked, ultimate adventures, noob, cool, skate, RolePlay, RPG, Plane, hamster,hangout,animals,animal,house,

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  • Panda Sanctuary

    An accurate panda sanctuary i made for a school project. it's made with a lot of research behind it.

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  • Model Collection

    If you want to look at what free models i made, then this is the best place to look. I also have some other old models on display, some go as far back as 2011!

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Festivereinhard2 has no creations.