
  • The temple of the ice skull.

    A Mysterious temple in the middle of nowehere. (Gear arena)

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  • brick of pointless stuff

    who knows what happens when you touch it..now with music!...but thats why theres a "PLAY SOLO" button,so yeah...push it.oh and the picture is a picture of a brick...but theres much more to it

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  • strange house

    once upon a time,it was christmas.the must happy holiday..well that is for SOME people,there was a old person named george terrcal who HATED christmas.why? well when he was a little boy what he really wanted was a train,but every single christmas his mom would give him a small box "is it a train!?" said george exitedly, "even better!" said his mom.when george opened his presents ALL the time they would be underwear,"is it a train?" "even better",but all the time he STILL got underwear,the only time he didnt get underwear is when he got smelly socks,it is up to you to find a person named conducter rich and get a train for george,but no body knew where rich was,some say he lived in a little house small enough for 1 model train that was in an old grass medow.(under construction)

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  • RPG:dead man's dungeon

    my first RPG, have fun! still building. estimated time when done: Never. I havent been on Roblox in years

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  • The ship

    under construction

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  • Become fat and become thin again

    Man i would wanna lose weight too if i looked like that! you walk into your house and eat pounds and pounds of chicken and snacks till you look like fig foot. then you see a picnik table and you toss the rest of your money to the weird guy. he gives you some red food,you eat it,well you became thing again but not exacly what you wanted...

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  • Ragdoll...

    AHHH ROBOT RAG..doll?

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  • Iron Man

    Say "iron" to regen the suits. controls: select the iron man tool to begin, t: fly b: reset t:fly faster g: fire iron cannon...So yeah this is my best place yet. Go in solo if you want everyting to work right.

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    It's a lie! This was a triumph. im makeing a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. its hard to overstate my satisfaction.Apature science, we do what we must because we can. For the good of all of us, Exept the ones who are dead but theres no such crying over every mistake you just keep on trying till you run out of cake and the science gets done and you make a neat gun for the people who are still alive Im not even angry, im being to sincere right now even though you broke my heart and killed me, and tore me to peices and through every a fire, as they burned it burned because, i was so happy for you! now these points of data make a buetiful line and were out of beta where releaseing on time, so im GLaD i got burned think of all the things we learned for the people who are still alive. Go ahead and leave me, i think i prefer to stay inside maybe you'll find someone else to help you, maybe black mesa,THAT WAS A JOKE HAHA FAT CHANCE anyway this cake is great its so delicous and moist, l

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  • WorldsOfWood baseplate


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