
  • Military tycoon BETA*

    Re-imagining the old tycoon for a new generation. Currently in Beta for the next couple of weeks until all the bugs are fixed. The game will be available during landscape changes but closed for actual tycoon changes. Please leave all feedback in the comments negative or positive. Known Issues/Work In Progress: Grammatical errors All vehicles must be regenerated after they're bought Ro-Force Jeep is trapped in spawn Large Boat does not move forward but does turn minor aesthetics within the tycoon. please inform me if you find any bugs. _____________________________________________________ How to fly planes: Y to start up, M to speed up, N to slow down, R to retract landing gear, G to close hatch (if the plane has one) How to shoot hawk: Hold down v then when you see a plane click it and it will turn red then press f.

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