
  • [USCMC] Forward Operating Base (Visitors welcome!)

    Capture and hold main CP until influence is complete to win– http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=120805269 THE FIRST SNOW HAS FALLEN ON ATORVA, THE SNOW RELEASES CARBON DIOXIDE MAKING THE ATMOSPHERE UNBREATHABLE FOR A MONTH, WEAR SPAWN LOCATED OXYGEN MASKS TO KEEP ALIVE. At the edge of Human Space lies Patroclus, a gas giant named after the Macedonian General Hephastionn, and orbiting it is LV-325, or Atorva, a valuable ore mine. Under the layers of the now breathable atmosphere lays mostly liquid water, and the occasional volcanic island, and below that, rich deposits of a mineral known as Subobtainium. Upon one of these islands lays the Colonial Marine garrison and one of the planets mining operations, currently stopped in anticipation of 325’s winter. As to date, Atorva is the most hostile and deadly enviroment known to man.

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  • USCM time traveled to the past

    back to the future was wrong

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  • Installation Otion


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  • [USCMC] Atmospheric Processor

    [Acting as a primary training base for USCMC.] "A true work of art and engineering, the atmospheric processor shall open the doors humans were never meant to pass." - Carl Bishop Weyland. An atmospheric processor was developed by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation to process the harmful gases of moons and planets, and transform it into breathable oxygen for colonialisable life. These huge constructions can take decades to fully build and maintain, and if over heated, can generate a nuclear explosion with a blast radius of thirty kilomteres. In case of an over-heat, the processor can activate it's cool down mechanism which can dramatically cool down the reactor, however, in cases such as mass explosion and gun fire, not even a well-maintained cooling system can stop this monster from rupturing it's reactor. m41a tank lamp

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  • // USCMC // Homeworld, Edifício do Alto Comando

    Edifício de Operações do Alto Comando, Sede Militar Colonial; Earth O High Command Operations Building, ou "COBWEB" como uma abreviação, foi construído há mais de 300 anos e testemunhou muitas reformas desde sua data de conclusão original. Apesar de sua aparência histórica aparente, a maioria do edifício está completamente modernizada e agora serve como um dos muitos complexos que compõem a Sede Militar Colonial. Embora sirva principalmente como uma relíquia para armazenar elementos do passado e do presente; o High Command Operations Building abriga o Escritório do Comandante, ao lado das Salas de Reuniões oficiais do Alto Comando, e permanece como uma instalação altamente influente e fortemente vigiada. Por ImperialBlood, com CoderQwerty e Hon0ur.

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  • [USCMC] BG-233 Arachthos - v0.86

    Scripted by former CEUSCM, CoderQwerty. Based upon original concept by Fox6095. This base is still in development, and may contain horrendous bugs! >>RULES -Excessive flame = Kick, Three = Ban -Spamming = Ban -Teamkilling = Kick, three times = Ban -Minimum of 4 USCM and one Admin needed for valid raids. -Minimum of Three Raiders needed for Valid Raids. -Only one group or alliance may raid at a time! -Three hour Raid Cooldown for each group! -Raider Admin Abuse = Raider Loss, group banned for 3-7 days. -USCM Admin Abuse = Raider Win. -Spawnkilling is not tolerated! -Uniform Raiding is not tolerated! >>RAID CONDITIONS -Raiders must provide length of time they are raiding (1 hour max) -Raiders must wait for USCMC Admin to give the go for the raid -USCM must grant admin to Raid Leader WIN CONDITION: Have the most points by end of Raid Length!

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