
  • YGO: Academia moderna!

    Yu-Gi Oh! Modern Academia entra na versão beta pública! Com quase todas as cartas TCG disponíveis, divirta-se construindo decks e duelando o quanto quiser. Certifique-se de se juntar ao grupo oficial para receber um bônus diário e ao canal oficial para se manter atualizado com os próximos recursos! GRANDE atualização planejada em uma semana, fique ligado! Notas: - Este jogo está na versão BETA. Isso significa essencialmente que, embora o núcleo do jogo esteja pronto e precise ser testado, muitos recursos ainda estão por vir. Se você encontrar algum bug, por favor me avise no canal oficial. - Os passes de jogo exigem que você volte ao jogo - Mude para correr - Use /rulebook para o livro de regras oficial Última atualização: [Patch 1.45] [11:35am 08/24] Lista de banimento fixa - somente novos servidores. [Patch 1.4] [17:00 08/23] Erros corrigidos, imagens de cartas corrigidas. [Atualização 1.1] [1:45am 08/18] Corrigiu bugs, adicionou erros, corrigiu imagens e atualizou a lista de banners. Adicionamos o livro de regras, o sprint para celular e a capacidade de banir uma face para baixo aleatória do ED.

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  • Uno: The Four Seasons

    Made with little sleep over a day for a gamejam. Most work won't be appreciated. Automated uno, with a slight twist. To match the theme of "Changing Seasons" - There are no special cards. There are 4 seasons, each with cards 0-9. However, when you switch the season, the next player draws cards according to the card number. Goodbye luck, hello strategy! You give others cards according to the power of the card you just played when you switched seasons. I nerfed it because matches took forever. 0-4: No bonus cards 5-8: +1 card 9: +2 cards -- Credits to P4LESTIN1AN for making the map!

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  • YGO:Sky Thunder (Alpha) - Open

    2020 update: I just opened the game from shutdown for the first time in like 3 years, and enabled copying. I made this when I was 14 and it's full of bugs and broken cards, but there's no great game for yugioh players on roblox anymore. If anyone is interested, you can take it. I waive my rights to everything in this game, go wild. You'd probably be better off starting new though.

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  • One-Piece (Not done)

    A WIP game that was abandoned. -- I had no actual scripting knowledge when I started it. I did however, improve a lot while making this game. This game is currently a WIP that will most likely never be finished. I have started working on harder projects. If I really wanted to release a OP game, I'd use this place as a start, but remake lots of it more efficiently. -- I started working on this game on September 16th, 2016. I had school and all, so I didn't work much unless on weekends or a break. I switched projects on something more important and will have lots of players, on 2017-February-17th--- Anyways, have fun if you wish to play. The game is cool, and I did put lots of effort into it.

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