
  • Super Divertido Obby

    ATUALIZAÇÕES: Nova miniatura! - MAIS estágios! aproveite o obby? ---------------------------------------------------------------- 👍 Confira o jogo para mais obbies! 👍 ---------------------------------------------------------------- *A miniatura não é minha*

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  • Combat Arena [MINIGAME FIGHTING]

    Welcome to Combat Arena! This game is fun because this game has ALOT of gear! I love to compete, so I made a Combat Game! If everyone spawns on the same team, they have to use there weapons on each other until the LAST PERSON STANDING. See what I mean? This game has so many possibilities, there can be minigames! Enjoy! [UPDATES:]

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  • Army Base

    Welcome! This game is a game where you can roleplay. One of the weapons are meant to not work. Also, the rocket DOES NOT blow up any buildings. It ONLY makes people die. I hope you have fun, and enjoy! This game looks cool so I just made it. No specific reason for making this game. ty! :D

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  • Alex's Roleplay Area

    Welcome to my roleplay area! My friends call me Inno, so I decided to make a roleplay area! This game will be updated, like with new maps, and with holidays. Hope you enjoy! [CREDITS]: iminnocent1122 saifanfaiz LostSoulsLord EragonPlaysRoblox136 JessePlaysRoblox10 CharizardPlaysRoblox136 [UPDATES]:

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  • Underground Realm (50TH GAME!)

    Hello! And welcome to my game! As you can see, this is my 50TH GAME! My goal is to have 100 games by the end of the year! Anyways, this game will be updated with ONLY gear, because in the Spring, how am I going to add flowers? For winter, how am I going to add snow? (your hint.) Have fun! [CREDITS:] iminnocent1122 CharizardEragon136 EragonPlaysRoblox136 JessePlaysRoblox10 Hadalola903 [UPDATES]:

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  • Galactic Alien Invasion Obby!

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  • Island Realms {AMAZING}

    Hello everyone! I have made a new game as you guys can see. This game is a roleplay game (obviously). There is a new type of chat so be careful incase if you type something, and something speaks. There is also a music player! I have NEVER had a music player in ANY of my games. But now I do! You can get song ID's and put one in to listen to as you roleplay! Right now, I have 3 songs. Have fun playing! Updates:

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  • Kohl's Admin {Updates Coming Soon!}

    This game is like any other admin game you would think of. But there might be a REALLY good admin command. And that is.....THE NUKE! The nuke was my favorite. Is it yours too? Come join my admin game to find out! Short Message: I know there are MANY admin games out there, but I'm no trying to battle with all of them to see which one is better. Another Short Message: This game cannot get updates because bugs have occured where you can't update any games. (Well for me it did that) It must that I have too many games. I don't know. (Message me if it happened to you!) [ANOTHER] Short Message: The nuke command can make your server go LAGGY! I hate when my server goes laggy. I will try to fix it. If I can't, then I don't know what's going to happen. Thank you and enjoy!

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  • Stranded: Ice Age

    Welcome to Stranded: Ice Age! Short Message: Enjoy and Have fun! [CREDITS:] altheriaa CharizardEragon136 EragonPlaysRoblox136 JessePlaysRoblox10 RunningLikeABoss120 UnicornTheCrewFan

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  • FFA World

    Hello! Welcome to my FFA World! Remember, there are weapons in the game so you can use them. Enjoy My FFA World!

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  • Volcano Realms `HD`

    Welcome to Volcano Realms! This game is a role play game where anyone can role play in! This game is pretty old, but it will still work. Here is a short message: The Lava is DEADLY! So if you walk on it, you will get yourself killed. So don't! (For extra safety.) Another short message: I added a teleport gear so then you can get across without a bridge! Cool, huh? Thank you and Enjoy my game! [ Version 2.0 ]

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  • Pirateisland `HD`

    Hello guys! Welcome to my PirateIsland game! this is basically a game where anyone can roleplay any roleplay they want to do! Enjoy yourselves in the game!

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  • iminnocent1122's Place Number: 3

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